Sunday, September 9, 2012

Just Have To Share This

I know, I know I have been absolutely terrible about posting on my blog. I mean, really, ONE WHOLE POST - wow. Thank you to those friends of mine who have been encouraging me to post again after my embarrassing hiatus.

While I may do a lot of things "wrong" as a mom: I allow Caroline to eat sugar and watch TV; I lose my patience after a day of whining and fit-throwing; and sometimes I even pull the "because I said so" card even though I said I would never do such a thing.

But one thing I do "right" is read with Caroline. Really, if you know me, this is not a big sacrifice or praise-worthy activity on my part because I LOVE to read. Thankfully, Caroline loves being read to and will sit for minutes (hey, 20 minutes is a big deal for this 3-year-old!).

Anyway, I was so excited to find out about the website, an initiative of the Pearson Foundation and Penguin Books that offers free online children's books to anyone with Internet access. What makes this even better? For every book read online, a book is donated on your behalf to a literacy group whose goal is to get books in the hands of children who don't have them.

While I love reading from a book in my-or her- hands when reading to Caroline, I know we will definitely be adding some of the electronic versions from this site to our routine. If your little ones are like C, she loves the computer and all other electronic devices.
*The site requires Flash, so if reading on an iPad, you will need a Flash-enabled browser app.

1 comment:

  1. whohoo! post #2! keep it up, woman! thanks for the heads up. i'm going to check it out now!
